Friday, July 3, 2009

Turnip fritters

I have not eaten many turnips in my life, or parsnips for that matter. It's nothing personal. My parents just weren't big on them, and I never got in the habit of eating them. Same with beets. But I have discovered beets in adulthood in a big way (anybody want any? My garden is full of ripe ones) and am on the verge of discovering turnips and parsnips too. I actually prefer them to potatoes. Sadly, I did not grow any this year. But for those of you who subscribe to CSAs or who want to get some at a farmer's market, turnips are in. Here's an awesome looking recipe for turnip fritters from my friend Ilene at her House in the Woods CSA Blog. Ilene is the same person who sold tomato seedlings to Hilda and John Staples and me, and who sells her tomatoes to the Common Market. Thanks Ilene!


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