Monday, June 22, 2009

Radish, Raspberries and Beets

Dan and I had a slow and peaceful Sunday. I spent a couple of hours in the garden harvesting dill, thyme, lavender flowers, nasturtium flowers and such. In the early evening, I made a pickle with radishes from the farmer's market and red onion from my garden. Drinking home-made raspberry lemonade (yep, raspberries are from our own garden too!) and slicing radishes, I thought these objects looked so beautiful together. So there you have it. 



Yeon said...

Do you know what is missing in the photo? Dark Sweet Cherries from the farmer's market!!! We set a bowl with cherries on the island table and nibbled on them all weekend. By the time I took the photo, they were almost gone... The color and shape of the cherries would have gone really nice in the photo.

smoo said...

Mine are gone too! They only lasted a day. But dad liked the cherry brandy sauce on his bread pudding. BTW that was delicious. Mom made the bread pudding. I'll get her recipe.

Your picture is lovely.

Chelsea said...

I have to laugh - I'm eating a handful of farmer's market cherries right now!

They would indeed have made a nice addition to the photo, but a threesome is a classic arrangement anyway... I love the color of your lemonade.