I am so glad that the rain finally stopped and I got to go out in the garden. The mild temperature coupled with lots of rain made spring plants go crazy. You are looking at one of my starter beds where I sowed seeds in mid March, with the exceptions of garlic plants in the back, and non-flowering daffodils poking here and there. My mesclun, spinach, lettuce, bak choi were ready for snipping. I also noticed that radishes were growing out of control, and I had to pull one row right next to fennel seedlings so that they have some room to breathe.

From the top right to clockwise you see: spinach, bak choi, spring onion, radish (3 different kinds from radish seeds mix), dill and mesclun (which includes red mustard, yum). I brought most of the harvest to Jen and Jayson's and ended up staying there for dinner eating their yummy food. Jen thinly sliced the radishes and served them with goat blue cheese she picked up from South Mountain Creamery. Jayson had the fire going and Dan grilled the spring onion from my garden and purple bunching onions that Jen got from Tomatoes et al. Jen asked Dan to grill the radish tops and we ate those too! With delicious steaks, greens, onions, radishes, cheese and butter from our garden and farmer's market, we had a wonderful dinner. I love it so much when spring is finally here and we can eat all the local fresh food, Jen said. I wholeheartedly agree.
Wow- your veggies look great! How were the grilled radish greens?
Surprisingly good!
I saved some radish greens for making kimchi, but I might have to try grilling again. Broccoli Raab is almost ready for harvest too.
(sigh), I just finished prepping a bed for planting this weekend! A bit late but I can reasonably put off planting tomatoes for a few more weeks since nights still get cool here. Jealous of your lush harvest already!
I have salad greens in boxes on my porch which I think are getting stunted because I won't thin them...
ha ha Kathy! Thin your greens!
Kathy - how is your planting going? Wondering what you are growing this season.
I am going to transplant some tomatoes and herb seedlings today. And then I might have to thin my starter beds... Thinning is tough, but we all know it is necessary.
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