Hello friends! It's time to start your gardens, if you haven't already. I'm a little late getting started, but what's new? I need to prep the garden beds so that I can direct sow peas, beans, radishes, and carrots. My little sister Precious and I started a bunch of seeds yesterday at a friend's greenhouse. It beats the pants off of my little window box, which is on a part of the house that gets mediocre light.
Here's Precious putting seeds in one of our little trays. We planted a bunch of stuff. Off the top of my head I remember:
- Black Krim tomatoes
- German Pineapple tomatoes
- Red pear cherry tomatoes
- White bell peppers
- Orange Bell peppers
- Sweet long Italian peppers
- Pimentos
- Chesapeake Bay Fish Peppers (hot)
- Rainbow Swiss Chard
- Early Cauliflower
- Cheddar Cauliflower
- Broccoli
- Broccoli Raab
- Okra
- Lettuce
I am beginning to be very excited about spring- the sky was beautiful yesterday, and I was glad it was cool, since we were working in a hothouse. I can't wait to see the first little shoots pushing over tiny clods of earth.