Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fun with houseguests

I've had houseguests for the past few days and I have really enjoyed them. One of the things we have spent a lot of time doing is cooking and hanging out in the kitchen.

I lucked out when I got the place that I live in; the people before me lived in the kitchen and they consumed the dining room to expand the kitchen. Though I sort of miss having a dining room, the kitchen is a great place to cook, socialize and eat. It's perfect for guests.

I cooked tofu enchiladas on their first night (made with tofu and cabbage but no cheese, because the son is lactose intolerant; I was wary but they were excellent with homemade tomatillo sauce). This morning I made tomato sauce with tomatoes from the garden for a future pasta dish. Tonight I am making vegetable soup with chicken stock and fresh vegetables from the farmer's market. We've eaten our weights in fresh tomatoes the past few days.

I love that my friends can walk by the vegetable garden and pick things to eat on the spot or for the evening meal. I also enjoyed going to the farmer's market with one of them yesterday, where we ran into other friends, stood in line for each other, and picked out choice veggies.

I got a beautiful fennel bulb from Chesapeake's Choice at the market yesterday. I almost put it in tonight's soup but my friend can't tolerate fennel. It doesn't taste like food to her. I understand because I feel the same way about other foods. Like most store-bought cakes, the frosting especially. My body just does not recognize that as food.

We've eaten outside in the backyard at the table under the dogwood tree and we've eaten in the kitchen around the island. Next up: a picnic and grilling of eggplants. I am really enjoying my houseguests.

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